九州大学医学部(共通) 最新問題 ポイント解説 英語
大問1 長文読解
問1 下線部和訳
As humans or as communities and even whole societies, none of us are free from fate.
●or, andによる並列関係を正確に把握し、日本語にできるかどうかがポイント
●free from ~「〜から免れている」
問2 説明問題
The irony is that while we may have reached a stage in human development where we have more technology at our disposal than ever before, we have also forgotten many of the skills that our ancestors depended on for their own survival.
The ironyの内容を具体的に日本語で説明する問題。
The irony is that ~ となっていることから、that以下の内容を書けばよい。
be動詞 + that sv の構造を見たら、すぐにthat以下が補語になることを想定する。
●at one’s disposal「自由に使える」
●depend on A for B「BのためにAに依存する」
問3 下線部和訳
You may have become separated from a trekking party in the mountains, or found yourself in a whiteout on a mountain trail. To your disbelief, you find yourself with nothing other than the clothes you stand up in.
●to one’s 感情名詞 「〜が…したことに」
ex. to my surprise「私が驚いたことに」
●find OC 「OがCだと分かる」
問4 同意表現(4択)
大問2 長文読解
大問3 長文読解
大問4 自由英作文
Globalization, “the increasing movement across borders,” has greatly changed how food is grown and transported across international borders. Some people view the globalization of food as a positive development. For example, consumers can find bananas from Guatemala, shrimp from Ecuador, coffee from Colombia and Brazil, grapes and wine from Chile and oranges from California. However, while consumers benefit from having access to fresh and cheaper food from all parts of the world, the risks are growing. For example, food contamination that starts in one area now is spread widely and can quickly affect the health of large numbers of people in distant places. There are some people who believe globalization is an advantage and will benefit the future of the world, while others view globalization as a disadvantage that will not benefit but may actually harm the world.
Do you believe globalization is good for the world? Provide your own explanations and reasons to support your decision. Your response should be 100 to 120 words.
大問5 和文英訳
次の分の下線部(1), (2)を英語に訳しなさい。
We will have hope when ~. といった、簡単な英語で書くことができる。
The hope will rise when ~. のように希望を主語にしてもよいが、riseやcomeといった動詞を使わなくてはならないので、確信を持って書くことができないだろう。
「変化させていきたいと考える」は「変化させたい」と考え、want to Vと書く。
「〜というよりは、〜したい」という表現はrather thanを使うとよい。
「現状を維持する」は「現状を変化させない」と考え、not toだけで表現することができる。
We will have hope when we want to change the present situation for the future rather than not to.
(2) 略